Children Flu Deaths
Flu A viruses were associated with the majority of deaths in children 65 while flu B viruses accounted for 33 of deaths. Children ages 4 and younger have been hospitalized at a rate of 801 per 100000 children the highest rate the CDC has on record even surpassing rates during the 2009 pandemic. Child Flu Deaths Hit Record High For This Time Of Year Live Science 43 81 occurred in children younger than 5 years old 12 occurred in children younger than 6 months and thus too young. Children flu deaths . The flu another contagious respiratory illness killed an estimated 477 people under 17 years old in the 2018 2019 season according to the CDC. The majority of these kids had not been vaccinated with the flu vaccine. Pediatric deaths are defined as flu-associated deaths that occur in people younger than 18 years. Deaths among children are higher than during the same period in every other season since reporting started in 2004-05 with the exception of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. The v...