What Credit Score To Get Best Mortgage Rate
No Sign Up Required. Prospective home buyers should aim to have credit scores of 760 or greater to qualify for the best interest rates on mortgages. How Your Credit Score Affects Your Mortgage Rates Forbes Advisor Generally 620 is the minimum credit score needed to buy a house with some exceptions for government-backed loans. What credit score to get best mortgage rate . Annonce Get the best reverse mortgage quote with our list of options. It depends on the lender and their requirements. Today in order to get the best mortgage rate possible you need a credit score of above 800. Excellent credit Borrowers get easy credit approvals and the best interest rates. Data from credit scoring. Acceptable credit Borrowers are typically approved at higher interest rates. For example you could receive a loan of 6000 with an interest rate of 799 and a 500 origination fee of 300 for an APR of 1151. As you can tell the interest rate monthly payment and total interest paid all inc...